St. Thomas à Becket Parish
4320 Ste. Anne, Pierrefonds, Quebec H9H 4Y7Office: 514-626-4111Email:

Hall Rental Request

To facilitate the preparation of the Rental Agreement, Please fill out the Request form below and submit it via this web form. The Hall will be reserved after receipt of the form.

Note: The Lessee is responsible, at its sole cost, for obtaining a liquor permit from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux if alcoholic beverages are to be consumed, served or sold. Information on obtaining this permit can be obtained at:

Thank you,

Michael Randall

514 980-5015

Cancellation Policy: The Rental Fee less an administration fee of $100, and the damage and cleaning deposit will be refunded, provided that written notification of cancellation is received at least three (3) weeks prior to the event.

The Lessee
Contact person:
Address: City:
Postal Code: Tel:
Parish Hall amenities requested
Kitchen Plates/Cutlery Dishwasher
Time: From To (including Lessee's set-up and take-down time)
Anticipated attendance:
Maximum capacity permitted by Fire Regulations in the Parish Hall: 275 persons
Please enter the numbers FOUR THREE TWO ZERO in the box: (Robot filter)