Reconciliation Rooms (Confessionals) and Parish Proclamation
The one on the Tabernacle side of the Church has a solid door and is the one usually used. Both give penitents the choice of
kneeling down behind a screen or sitting in a chair face to face with the priest. A painted image of Rabbi Jesus at his study desk, with the words HE'S IN printed above, shows that a priest is in the confessional or nearby. If he's not in, you have only to ask a Minister of Hospitality to find him for you. Jesus expects his priests to BE AVAILABLE for the faithful to come to the Divine Mercy for Reconciliation: PUT YOUR TRUST IN JESUS.
Parish Proclamation
On June 17, 1979 founding pastor Fr. Charles Cahill and the wardens led parishioners in a proclamation of dedication to God and gratitude for his
abundant blessings: committing themselves to support approved church charities, help the needy in the local area, and make a priority of caring for needy and dying children in the world. 1979 was the International Year of the Child.
On October 13, 1996 at a Dedication and Consecration of the Church and Altar,
the parishioners renewed their commitment, personally and as a Parish, to love God,
their family, their neighbor - especially poor children - and to dedicate
themselves to an active Christian life in imitation of Jesus.
On the Reconciliation Room walls are: a framed photo of Fr. Charles Cahill, our founding pastor;
an award he was given to honor his caring for children; a large framed scroll of the original 1979 Parish Proclamation; a letter from the Vatican acknowledging this 1979 parish commitment; and an official certificate marking the dedication and consecration of the Church & Altar October 13, 1996.