Our Lady of Guadalupe
One of the few images of Mary Mother of God showing her pregnant with Jesus, and the ONLY IMAGE ON EARTH established by solid testimony
and scientific investigation to have been produced NOT BY HUMAN HANDS OR METHODS KNOWN ON EARTH, this miraculous image was given to Juan Diego, a Mexican native man, on December 12, 1531, as proof for the Bishop of Mexico that she was truly the Mother of God and that she was asking that a shrine be built and blessed by the priests; so that all her children might come and be blessed and consoled by her. The image miraculously appeared before the eyes of the Bishop and other witnesses on Juan Diego's tilma (poncho) just like a 20th century Polaroid film print appears. The cactus fibres of tilmas normally disintegrate after about 10 years, but this one is still miraculously intact after almost 500 years. Many miracles continue to be granted by God through Mary to those who pray before this holy image, enshrined in the new Cathedral of Mexico City. Ours is a print from a photographic reproduction of the original life-size image.